Template Host Bangla, Shared Offices, Coworking Desk

1. Parties: 

This Shared Office Agreement, which iss formed on _______________________, 20____, is between:

Landlord: (“Landlord”) of _____________________, City of _____________________, Postal Code _______.

Tenant: (The “Tenant”) of _______________________, City of , and Postal Code .

2. Shared Office: 

According to the terms of this lease, the landlord will make the following properties available to the tenant for shared office purposes:

Street Address: __________________, City of ___________, Postal Code .

Additional Address:

3. Terms and Conditions:

This Agreement will run as follows: (Mark one)

  1. In a Month-to-Month Basis. Until one of the parties delivers notice that is at least days from the next payment date, this agreement will remain in effect.
  2. For a predetermined Time. On the day of _______________________, 20___, this agreement will expire. 

4. Facilities:

As part of this agreement, the tenant shall get the following: (Tick each application)

  1. Any conference room will be made available to the tenant.
  2. With a minimum of ___ hours’ notice, for ___ hours per week, month, or weekday. In the event that the tenant needs more time, it will cost $____/hour.
  3. Refreshment: Coffee and other refreshments designated by the landlord shall be available to the tenant and may be consumed in an unrestricted quantity. The availability of coffee and refreshments may occasionally change.

5. Registry. 

On any online or other published materials describing the Premises that are readily available, the Landlord shall let the Tenant to display their name and/or that of their company.

6. Internet accessibility:

After this agreement is signed, the Landlord shall give the tenant premium internet access by giving a Wi-Fi username and password.

7. Copier & Printer:

If the tenant needs any documents printed or copied, it will cost $___ per black-and-white page and $___ per color page.

8. Workplace:

Any workplaces, conference rooms, or call areas within the premises may be used during regular business hours on a first-come, first-served basis.

9. Business Time: 

The facilities will be open during these hours:

  1. Time of Start: _____ AM/PM
  2. Ending at ___ AM and PM

10. Price:

  1. For use of the Premises, the Tenant shall pay $____/hour. Prorated payment is due for any unfinished hours.
  2. The facilities will be used by the tenant for a monthly fee of $ . The ___ of the month is the date for all payments.
  3. The cost of using the Premises will be $_____ per year for the tenant. The deadline for this payment is _______________________ .

11. More terms and conditions   _____________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ .

Landlord’s Signature Date:

Printed name:

Tenant’s Signature Date:

Printed name: